A Blogger or a Narcissist?
I'm currently reading Elizabeth Gilbert's "Big Magic". She talks about "passionate creativity". Even though I've spent the past 25 years as a photographer (on and off), I don't know that career-wise I've ever been that passionate about taking pictures. That said, when I was much younger and a few times on vacation (when I've wrestled the Lumix away from Brennan), I get completely lost in taking pictures. But as I've thought about what creative activity gets me lost? Well, I've been at a loss.
But today I decided to instagram a whole series of myself during one of my "cook-a-thons". As I went along I was more and more inspired. I even wanted to start talking about the music selection that was propelling me through. I really got lost in cooking and sharing the experience (and photos!) with others in real time.
I always say I'm not a "creative" cook. My friend Lyn is a creative cook. She can like a dish in a restaurant and then recreate it at home. I can't do that. I've dreamt of renting house in the South of France and going to the market every day and selecting fresh food to make something for lunch and dinner. I could never do that. Seriously. I would need a recipe. BUT, here I am. One of the most enjoyable and stress-relieving things in my life is cooking. AND I LOVED sharing it with others.
Does that make me a passionate blogger or a narcissist? Hmmmm. We'll see!